Hi all
Sorry it been a bit since I last posted, but its been a bit mad at times. my computer failed, which did not help with blogging.
Both my dad and father in law are out of hospital. My dad had a massive chest infection, which has now cleared up and he has really cut down on the smoking.
The father in law is much better, but still has mobility problems. It could be much worse if it was not for the stroke being witnessed by someone who knew the signs, and got medical help as soon as possable.
The F.A.S.T test is a good indicator of a stroke.
Also since the last time I posted, I gained another year. and here is a weird fact for you all. I got more happy birthdays from Radio Shropshire staff then I got from staff at work.
There has been some other stuff going on in my life that I don't share with the internet. maybe one day, I will blog about it
Anyway on that note, I shall leave you will an escapee of Dave's bad joke emporium 'bloke goes to the doctors, "Doctor, I feel like a wigwam and a tepee" The Doctor replies "your too tense"
Till next time Dear Reader, Stay Safe.
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