I am writing about my local hospital trust, why i hear you ask. well I think they do not learn from the past.
Back in December 2008 a man in Telford suffered a stroke. He should of had a follow-up appointment, but it was never made. On 19 March 2009 he experienced blurring of his vision and became confused and was taken to hospital, where it was discovered he had suffered a second stroke.
This second stroke left the man a self-employed courier, partially sighted and unable to work.All down to what the trust called "simple administration error" that meant the initial appointment where a vital blood-thinning medication would of been prescribed did not happen.
After a undisclosed six-figure settlement with man, the trust said it had "reviewed all aspects of the care he received to ensure that lessons are learned".
I had a 'simple administration error' with a initial follow-up appointment. after hospitalization in November 2008 Where I had to chase it up, TWICE once in September 2009 and then again on the 28th October 2009. I ended up with an appointment on the 22 December 2009. Thats 13 months and 11 days after I was told I would have an appointment in 6 weeks. I did get an apology on air from Adam Cairns the boss of the trust at the time. when he was on Radio Shropshire.
Now I hear about a man that is having worrying symptoms, that point to a heart problem. He has had multipliable cancelled appointment to have tests to see if he has a heart condition. He has still not had these tests a year after his first cancelled appointment. Steve Peak acting boss of the trust, when on Radio Shropshire apologized on air to him. commenting that it was errors and problems with the appointment system.
The Big question is after 4 years why are these problems with appointments still carry on. causing distress or even causing danger to patients health?
So back to title of this posting. Rising complaints to the Trust.
In a new report about the number of complaint it says, A total of 734 written complaints were made to the trust in 2011/12 – a rise of 4.6 per cent on 702 in the previous 12
months. The national average is one per cent.
and the trusts reply “Putting patients first is at the heart of everything we do and a key
part of this is listening to any compliments, comments and concerns.
They help us learn from the experiences of patients and their relatives,
and improve the care we provide.”
Ok, So that why 4 years on the appointment system is still having problems! and failing in improving the care the trust provides.
So they are 3.6 per cent higher in complaints then the national average. and from what I have said above, I wonder why it is not more.
Dear Trust Sort it out will you, it people lives you are playing with, its not like it a appointment to fix a broken washing machine. You get a appointment quicker with them.
Till next time Dear Reader, Stay Safe.
Information Sources
Radio Shropshire Breakfast show 6 September 2012